Mar 16, 2012

Parks and Pawn Shops!

Today has been an interesting day full of planned activity and alot of "go with the flow."  Well ok, that would be most days around here actually.  :)
This morning I had an appointment to drop off a couple of bags at a local consignment store to sell and even did a little shopping myself.  Apparently my kids have been doing some serious growing in the past few months and with this unseasonably warm weather they have been in desperate need for clothing! 
I have a girl who loves to shop and pick out her own stuff.  She's been developing her own taste and style for some time and she loves that independent feel of picking out her own clothing.  With mom's approval of course. ;) 

Then it was off to the park to enjoy a little sun and fresh air.

This kid cracks me up the way he climbs all the way up to the top and then sits there.  No amount of coaxing can convince him to slide down.  And yes, he has before and I guess that was enough for him. 

And there he sits up there all by himself.  Makes me laugh!

His dare devil big brother thought it high time he go down though and this is how it ended up.  The one on the bottom didn't care much for it!

A little flying hopscotch.

So this past Christmas we bought a piece of junk bike for Cody.  I kind of had that feeling when I saw that it was the last box on the shelf but I was running out of time with my last minute shopping so I got it anyways.  Well can you guess where I'm going with this?  Cory spent Christmas Eve putting it together only to find out that the tire was wack.  Messed up.  Thankfully the store took it back. 

ANYWAYS, we just never replaced it and just last week Cody started asking about a bike again.  Well, on our way home from the park we passed a pawn shop and there just happened to be two brand new Huffy bikes sitting out on the sidewalk with the plastic still on them and one was just the right size for my little man.  So I pulled on over. 
I let Cody try it out and it was perfect.  But then I had to go IN the pawn shop to pay for it. 
Well that was a first for me.  I'll admit that it made me just a little uneasy.  But I'm a pistol packin' mama. 
Don't mess with me. ;)

Here he is. :)  He rode that bike ALL afternoon.  I loved just sitting outside and watching him.  Emma and I got a lot of reading done while we sat out there with him!

After dinner he couldn't wait to get back outside to show his daddy his new bike.
So proud.

Then there were....

Icecream cones.
And it was a good day. 

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