Nov 14, 2011

Today's Thanks:
  • It has been so lovely outside today.  The sun has been shining, and the air fresh and warm.  A perfect Fall day.  My windows have been open this afternoon.  Imagine that!
  • Today was the last Classical Conversations class for my kids until the beginning of January.  Emma is sad because she loves it but I can honestly say I'm thankful for a looong break.

This is Cody today at CC with his finished "body" that they had been working on for a few weeks.  Emma made one too but I didn't get her picture since I spend the majority of time in Cody's class.

They had cupcakes after lunch at CC for completing all of their review work for the past 12 weeks.

  •   A girls night that I had on my calendar for the last two weeks ( I really need to get out more!) happened tonight and we spent three hours talking at Starbucks.  I forgot to ask for DECAF with my latte and um, I might be kind of WIDE awake right now.  :)  Ah well.  It was good conversation with a great friend so for that I. Am. Thankful.  The end.


  1. I'm glad Emma loves it! I certainly love having her in my class! She has such a sweet spirit.

  2. Thanks so much Carol! You have so much energy every time I see you in there and do such a great job with that class. It makes it so much fun for them I'm sure.
