I wanted to get to the beach one more time before school started but I wanted it to be less work. A LOT less work!
In rode my prince charming to save the day with a willing heart to stay at home with Cody and Beau.
So a girls weekend was planned with just my mom, my daughter, and me!
We left Friday morning and went straight to the beach house where I found out that none of the 4 keys Cory gave me fit the lock. After a mild panic attack I realized that the key I needed had actually been on my key chain all along and neither of us knew it. Phew!
So we dropped off our bags and turned on the air so that it would begin to cool down inside. Then I ran around back to turn on the water, looked up to see the biggest spider EVER dangling above the ac unit and promptly threw myself to the ground, screamed, and hightailed it back around the house yelling like an idiot. The men working across the street were intrigued to say the least.
After much drama we "freshened up" and went to Southport for some shopping and dining! Emma had a LONG list of things to accomplish so we set out.
We went to the Christmas house and Bullfrog Corner. Both favorites of Emma's. She even wanted to go in the antique shops! She's MY girl. :)
Fishy Fishy Cafe |
We played in the water.
We soaked up the sun.
We layed in the chair and read books.
We ate Italian Ice. :)
We walked on the beach.
We took pictures.
We walked out on the pier.
We ate icecream.
It was a perfect, sunshiney weekend with just my mom, my daughter, and me.
sounds like a perfect weekend!! :)