Jul 1, 2011

Warning!!!! Controversy!!!

It's July 1st.  I'm thinking about how I should prepare for this fall's school year and when to order the curriculum that I want.  We will be starting our 3rd year "officially" homeschooling.  Isn't that such a controversial subject?!  I hate that it is.  Many people get defensive no matter what side they are on.  Ahem....I know I do. (sheepish grin)  So I found this video of one of my favorite preachers.  I've seen it before but since I'm so drawn to controversy...what?  You didn't know that about me??  :)  Actually, I bite my tongue (or don't type if I'm on facebook) LOTS of times. 

I KNEW without a doubt when my first baby girl was born that I would homeschool.  Maybe it was the protective instinct I felt for her right away or maybe it was just God telling me that's what he wanted for her.  I like to think it's probably a lot of both. 

So here's the thing about that.  Not everyone feels that way.  I sometimes wonder why?  I've considered public school.  I know there are a lot of great teachers out there who truly want to help children and love what they do.  Some of them I know personally.  But what if your child doesn't get one of those teachers?  Or let's say that your child DOES get one of those great teachers.  Aren't they still limited by the system, or government? 

Then there is the HUGE matter of leaving God out of every part of the public education.  If God created the world, the ENTIRE universe....then shouldn't He be included in every part of science, history, math, language, etc.? 

Listen, there are much smarter, more intelligent, and well-spoken men and women who have discussed this and debated this subject in a better way than I could ever think of!  Part of the reason for the title of this blog comes from my convictions about how I educate my kids.  I don't want to have regrets although I'm not so stupid to think that I won't.  Of course I will!  But I press on.  I make mistakes and learn (hopefully) from them.  I can't even guarantee that my kids will all "turn out" or that yours won't because you public educate.  God's grace is far reaching isn't it?  But I still feel like I need to give it my best and do my part. 

It's my opinion that every parent who desires to train up their children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) then they should at least consider homeschooling as an option.  Just consider.  That's all.  Don't say "oh, I could NEVER do that" or "my kids would drive me crazy", or whatever.  I've heard it all.  Just think about it.  It's ultimately between you and God anyways.  So why not ask Him what to do and truly be open to what He might say.

So what do you think?  Any thoughts? 


  1. Amen sista, or cuz!!! I think so many out there settle for less than what God would want for them by simply dismissing Homeschooling altogether!!


  2. Just as once cannot assume that every home schooled child will be a long haired, no make up wearing, un-socialized freak, once cannot assume that every child educated in a public school will walk away from Christ, believe in evolution, and cuss. Have there been times my boys came home and asked something or said something that made me cringe, have to talk to them, and even think... "would this have happened if I were homeschooling?" YES! But... were there also times I saw the same thing happen after church, a playdate, or just going to the park? YES! We need to train our kids to obey Christ, not man, no matter where they are educated.(or playing, etc.) I guess I don't think it is controversial because I know I cannot decide for other people, what is best for their children. Do I think that homeschooling is best for you kids? What does that matter... it matters that YOU and Cory think it is. It only becomes a sore spot when one side thinks the other is "wrong" and develops a legalistic mindset towards it. (and believe me, I have seen both do so!)
    We are planning on homeschooling in middle school, but until then, we take each year as it comes.
    And Tara, I cannot imagine you having to step away from the keyboard on FB ;)

  3. Thanks for the comment Jude. I agree with you that we can't assume that every homeschool child will "turn out right" or that every public school child will "turn out wrong". My kids are not grown yet so I can't claim to be an expert. I can tell you that homeschooling hasn't squelched that sinful nature by a long shot! :/ We do feel led to homeschool for now. I guess I feel so strongly that it's such a good thing that I say everyone should at least consider it. :)
    p.s. I think you're a great mom. :)
