Nov 2, 2011


Do you ever look at your growing children and remember when they were babies?  I do that all of the time. 

Sometimes I look at Emma and I remember seeing her scrunched up face for the first time. 
My first baby. 
That little girl that I had wanted.  There she was!  Now she is one month from being 8. 
Everyone says she looks like me. 
Anyone who knows her knows that she loves books.  At just the age of 2 she would sit and flip through a magazine page by page.  She would read a phone book.  Any catalogs or flyers that come in the mail do not escape her. 
She has an amazing memory! 
She loves going to Co-op on Mondays.  She hates Math even though it seems to come quite easy to her.  She loves to learn. 
She's into horses much to Cory's dismay.  All things Princess, ballet, and pink have passed.  She prefers blue. 
She will be taller than I.  I think 5'7 was the last prediction from the pediatrician...possibly taller.  I'm happy for her. :) 
She likes to go anywhere I go. 
She likes I Love Lucy reruns. 
She can't wait until we build our house so she can have her own room. 
Her husband will have to be understanding of her love of books.  He will probably need to be somewhat intelligent and have a love of learning like she does but not too stuffy.  He has to get along with her father and brothers.  A knowledge of guns and hunting is highly recommended. 

And I look at Cody and remember that fat little face he had.  He was the biggest baby I've had weighing 8 pounds 3 oz.  My first boy. 
He looks like Cory. 
He's rough. 
He's tender and sweet and always the first to give kisses and say he loves us.  He climbs into bed with us in the morning to snuggle and occasionally a wayward knee or elbow to the face.  :/
He's not too shy. 
If he gets a boo boo you hear about it until it's gone. 
He has learned the alphabet song and when I call out each of the 50 US Capitals he can recite back to me all corresponding 50 States.  He still sees a speech therapist every week so they (the States) aren't always recognizable by just anyone but I know what he's saying. :)
He's our picky eater.  He lives on Ritz crackers, cheese sticks, chocolate milk, yogurt, and pb on a spoon.  I just give him his vitamins and fruit smoothies (he likes those thankfully!!) and I don't worry about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a rodeo cowboy.  Whatever he does it will not be boring and always full steam ahead.  His wife will probably need to be the calm type who doesn't frighten easily and who also loves a little adventure herself.   

Last but not least, my little Beau.  His baby days are easier to remember being they were just last year!  He was my smallest baby at an even 7 pounds.  And what a good baby he was. 
He was a good sleeper and still is. 
I never tire of kissing his face. 
I'm not sure who he looks like but he's a good mix of all of us.
He likes to eat. 
He likes to be outside. 
His personality is still developing so I have so much more to study about him. 
He is cautious.  He likes to wrestle with the "big boys" but don't throw him in the air!  He freaks out and stiffens his body like a board. 
He seems to gravitate toward being musical.  At least he enjoys it anyways.  He likes to dance.  He's not a music snob either.  He likes it all. 
He is being toughened by his big brother and loved on by his big sister.
His wife will probably be spontaneous and bubbly.  :)

Well this post went in a different direction than I had planned but that's ok.  I do that often and when it happens I just go with it.  :)  Until next time!

This is the best, most recent picture I could find of me with all three.  Beau is being squeezed by Cody but hey, what's new?  ;)


  1. I understand your sentiments exactly. I sometimes can't believe that my children are 26 and 23 and now I have a granddaughter who just turned 6 mths old. It is even hard to believe that she is 6 mths old already. The years just fly and they seem to get faster!
    I am so glad that I got to be a stay at home mom during the younger years. I may not have been the best but I tried to do as the Lord would have me do with my children. Now I am glad that my daughter is able to stay home as well.
    I enjoy reading your posts and keeping up with your family. You are doing a wonderful job bringing them up for the Lord from everything I see!
    Emma does look just like you by the way!

  2. I'm glad you like the blog! It's a hobby for me and I enjoy it. Thanks so much!

