Jun 13, 2012

Some Random Updates and Stuff Like That

So today has been a good day.  Our house passed a big deal inspection so we are now clear (I say "we" like I'm actually doing something) to get started on the brick and some other things.  Actually the brick gets started tomorrow!!  Now that's some exciting stuff right there!  So that's the latest with the house.  I will post some updated pictures in the next few weeks once it's finished. 

The kids and I have been having a good start to the Summer.  This week started the Reading Program at the library so we have been doing alot of reading.  Of course reading is Emma's "thing" and I have no doubt she will be done with her 15 hours before the end of the month.  I wish I had that much time to read.  Cody has been especially motivated because he gets to stamp his own record for each 20 minutes that we read together.  :) 

Today Emma had an orthodontist appointment which she absolutely hates.  She wishes her teeth could just be crooked.  Imagine!  I tell her that she will thank me one day. 

Riding lessons will start again soon for Emma and she is much more excited about that than the orthodontics!

Tomorrow we are looking forward to having some friends over to go swimming.  My kids love to swim, especially when they have friends to play with. 

Cody and our little neighbor boy, Noah, have become great friends this Summer.  They are the same age and this is the first year that Noah has been free to play so much.  Cody hangs around outside waiting for Noah to come out.  One day this week when it was raining I heard a knock at the door.  When I opened it Noah was standing there with his umbrella wanting to see if Cody could come play at his house.  They fight sometimes though too.  It amazes me how boys can punch each other and then the next minute they are buddies again.  I know Cody will miss him alot when we move. :( 

Beau seems to change every day.  He's still a little peanut though.  Just so little and cuddly.  I love it when he looks me in the face and just says "Mama...".  He does that several times a day but it melts my heart every time.  He will be turning 2 soon and I love this stage with him.  He is just enough big boy to be funny and just enough baby to be sweet. 

The latest book I've been reading is one that our church gave to all the moms for Mother's Day.  I love that they do that.  Last year's was a great one also.  This year the book they gave away was by Noel Piper called "Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God".  So, so good.  I have one more woman to read about and I'll be finished.  If I could be half the woman that these women were then I'd be doing alright.  It hasn't been at all boring and in fact I've found it to be inspiring. 

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