Mar 11, 2012

An Extended Vacay from Facebook AND new house pictures. Part One.

You know what's nice?  Taking an extended time away from Facebook.  For me, it's been since Wednesday I think.  Except for posting a link to this blog, responding to messages or comments (don't want to be rude!), and posting one picture, I haven't scrolled through status updates AT ALL! 
It's bliss. 
It's like the olden days.  You know, before there ever was social media?  It makes my life just a LITTLE simpler.  That's a good thing, I think.
It's good for alot of things though, of course.  I love it for keeping up with good friends and seeing their pictures or updates and making my own of course.  I'm not sure how long I will refrain but it's so refreshing really.  It also kind of goes along with my post about redeeming the time.  I have more time! 
I also have my head in my own business.  My own little family right here.  I can focus better on them without thinking about the last thing I read on Facebook that has nothing to do with me! 

Onto a different subject. :)  Yesterday the kids and I joined the very hard-working head of household out at the house site.  I took some pictures of course and I'll share just a few with you now. 

Here is a view of the basement part of the house from the backyard.  The driveway goes up past the right side of the barn.  The barn will be knocked down and some of the metal and wood will be used somewhere in the house.

This is a view of the hill behind the house.  I'm going to have fun taking walks up this hill and through the woods to the field behind.  Not to mention just walking to get the mail every day!

A lovely bird sitting on one of our garden stakes. 

A little boys paradise.

Picking weeds.

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. That bird is a blue bird. You will have to put up a bluebird house. Once a pair of bluebirds finds the house they will mate there year after year.
