Sep 17, 2011

Let's race...through the woods...wait, that's not the right way?! Niiiice.

Today has been a great day.  Yes it has.  Any day is great if it includes a fun 5k and then a day spent with my family doing nothing much at all.  It was downright cold today and it felt great! 

As I took off for the start of the race I called over my shoulder to Cory, "And there's a camera in the bag!" 

When I got home this was basically the extent of my race picture.  It's ok though.  He was there and watching the kids in the chilly weather.  I don't fault him. ;)  I guess we women can SOMEtimes not be very clear about what exactly we want....sometimes.

That's me in the pink shorts right there in the middle.  Can you make it out?  It's a little blurry but there I am.  By the way I passed a bunch of those people (big pat on the back) and that was a great feeling.  ;)

The race was fun! Quite a few of us even went off course, yes indeed.  Yes, I said OFF course. 

This was partly due to the confusion of some runners before us and some not so clear signs (actually there were zero signs at that part of the race).  So we all had a nice little trip through some woods running along like dummies.  Yep.  We eventually figured it out and turned back although our times were probably not as good as they could have been? 

Ah well.  That's my life! 

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