Sep 29, 2011


I'm going to take some time to think about the direction of this here blog. 

No, I'm not going anywhere.  At least I don't plan to.  I'm not even thinking about changing the look of it.  I'm just thinking about the direction of my blog posts.  The subjects I choose to write about.

What is the purpose and meaning behind my posts?  What do I want to share or NOT share? 

So I'm going to take a day or two to think and pray about that and then I'll be back.  :)

On a completely different subject, I checked out "Little Women" by Lousia May Alcott today at the library.  I can't believe I've never read that lovely little classic.  I've seen the old AND new movie versions and loved those so the book must be even better right? 

So on that note, I'm headed to bed.  Goodnight.

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